The road of the Templars in Spain
The route of the Templar castles - one of the first religious military orders - is one of the most unusual and interesting routes in Spain. Thematic routes are gaining popularity nowadays. And the more they are connected with mysterious stories, the one is usually better. One of the most interesting tours in Spain is the "Templar Road", which stretches along the entire sunny coast. We invite you to make a trip through the ancient castles and fortresses that were in the possession of the mystical order. According to its cultural wealth, Spain is considered to be the pearl of the Mediterranean. And, not only the Moors left their unique heritage here. So huge interest in tourists coming to Spain, and cause numerous castles, which once belonged to the noble knights of the Knights Templar.
One of the most important castles of Catalonia is the castle of Miravet. This Templar stronghold in the valley of the Ebre river is one of the best examples of the Romanesque, religious and military architecture of the Order. Miravet is a medieval castle-fortress, whose walls are remembered both by the rule of Muslims, the times of the great Templars, and the years of the civil war in Spain. The castle stands on a cliff 100 meters high and offers a beautiful view of the city and its surroundings from its walls. The Suda castle in Tortosa is a little better preserved. For the first time, it is mentioned in the II century. BC, at a time when the city was near the Roman conquerors, an important strategic point and bore the name of Dartos. Later, in the IX century, the city of Tortosa became a Saracen fortress, but control over it was lost in 810, a period of progress and prosperity. Tortosa at the present time is the history and culture of many centuries, in which the Roman, Spanish and Muslim traditions have intertwined, whose tracks are still visible today. It is interesting that the hotel operates in the fortress, so everyone can spend the night in a real ancient castle.
Peñiscola is one of the largest spa centers in Valencia. Here is the symbol of Peñíscola - the magnificent castle of Papa Luna, which is surrounded by massive fortress walls. The castle received its name thanks to Pope Benedict XIII, who hid here in 1411 after accusing him of heresy and turned the estate into his palace. Recognized in 1922 as the historical and artistic world heritage of UNESCO, and in 1931 - a historical and artistic monument, the castle gained fame due to the shooting of the film "El Cid" in 1961.
In the region of Castellón, there is another very important Templar castle of Morella. Built in the VI century, located on a rock, 1070 meters above sea level. The city was built primarily as a defensive point, and is a castle-fortress, surrounded by a 2.5-kilometer wall. The construction of the castle lasted until 856. And in 1143 he moved to the Knights Templar and was supplemented and slightly rebuilt. After the collapse of the Order and until the XIX century, the castle served as a defensive structure, constantly strengthened and acquired its modern appearance only in the XVIII century. Morella has preserved its medieval image to this day. Having ascended the steep path up to the castle, you can see both the city and its surroundings on the palm of your hand. The appearance of this ancient city was formed with the participation of many great ancient peoples, from Greeks and Iberians to Celts and Arabs. Food products produced by local artisans are famous throughout Spain. Since its appearance with the castle, various legends and fables have always been associated. Now the castle of Morella is recognized as the national treasure of mankind.

Price* of tour from Valencia, Castellón, Barcelona, Peñíscola
1–3 people €550.
4–6 people €690.
Organizational Details
The duration of the tour takes an average of 10 hours. The itinerary can be changed a little: it depends on the time of your arrival and on where exactly your hotel is located in Barcelona. Traveling around Barcelona will be on our transport. Parking at the airport and on the route is included in the tour price. Please note that the tour does not include entrance fees and meals.
* The price does not include VAT (IVA) of 21% which is added upon non-cash settlement.